Tuesday, 16 August 2016



HELLO!!!!! OOPS... berhabuk laptop hihihihihi... berdebu2x blog eewwww.. draft pasal my Siem Reap and Angkor Complex trip also x siap lagi, ada hati mau buat draft baru wuwuwuwuww.. why am i so lazy meh? aaaaa... too many distractions.... like... good kind of distractions :p.. hihiiih.. anyway.. raya almost abes.. but im still in the mood to jalan2 raya here n there 

so. after my Siem Reap trip, i flew to Singapore  and stayed at my firend's house in Jb. well, initially i wanted to stay at a hostel in singapore, but he insisted soo...... JB it is. haha da plan nk g USS and what not.. excited le kite ulang alik Sg mcm pgi pasar jak... Natalie said, kedak pegi KLCC jak... 

oh well, i find Singapore to b a very interesting place. i mean if i went there alone anyway i wont b having any problems.. like.. the city looks...... safe... i guess.. its not because its boring.. but bcause in my opinion people are too focused on their own things to even bother other people.. i like it!!! like seriously i need to move to Singapore ASAP! it reminds me of Itaewon. a city with mixed culture but people still live in peace. yepp.. thats it

i cant comment much on the culture tho hahahha.. spent most of the time at USS i have no input in my brain due to too much shaking on the roller coaster felt like half my brain gone already. then proceeded to the Merlion n Marina n what not. 

so yasss... we went to USS.. i paid the tickets for like RM150-170 online... if im not mistaken i forgot aldy leh.. later i check i edit again lah.. hahahhaa... taking the blog for granted day by day. serious shit im very very busy tho..

so the day i flew back from Siem Reap, my friends convinced me to stay in JB instead. so that night i arrived in Changi International airport, they picked me up and brought me back home. the next day, we proceeded for our trip to USS!!!!! however, too bad Daus cant join us as he had to take a night shift that night.. soo.. its just me n the gang's not complete. 

its fine. we managed to have fun despite lacking group members. :p dh naik yg kayu kt Everland hari tu.. sik jerak gikkk kaaa.. maok jwak nait yg besi d sgpore..aaaagghh.. i mabok already. too bad there's no pictures during when we went up for the rides and what not. we went up the biru one, the red one,. the transformers, the mummy, the madagascar, emm..what else.. fill me in here gais.. i forgot.. tuuu laa.. lama sangat tunggu nk update wuwuwuuwuwu . currently at school now, waiting for my next class. so.. imma try to finish the draft haha. 

ignore the tired face
spent the whole day at USS n witnessed very speactacular firework show that night!! then, the next day also ade fireworks some more in front of the marina! syioookkk laa... jalan2 sambil enjoying sunset, and fireworks, and good food. tho i only eat bubur at the time.. nevermind... helped a lot with the weight loss. hahhaha... 4kg less in a month time.. yassss.... eat no solid food at all. from S to XS! mardy, take note. lol.. 

the gang 
the syiok thing was also i walk around the far away land and just pretend im a princess... Hong Kong u wait aaaa.. im coming.. soon! i hope.. disneyland bucketlisted.. USS checked 

the thing lacking is that crown on my head

the next day, enter Singapore again just to jalan2 makan angin and x sengaja dpt tngok fireworks again.. i was lurking inside the mall..marina is it? i donno. i was usha'ing the Louboutin shop. ehem.. ghhhaaaappp pui.me want... but sadly.. cant. if i could i would, but i cant so i shant.
too many people!!! i kenot 

thisss.....is life.. 

kalau dekat Dsanglau dis thing is for kids only hahaha.. here, mainly adults.. n its fun'ner! me want.. but cant. sad. i cudve crossed this out from my bucket list.. oh well..
if only i was wearing a bikini underneath!! ughhh... id be like.... lets do this :p so syiok laaa i think it was 10sgd for 5 jumps.. i donno. i don rmmber. something like that lah.. i donno what event this was..wait let me check my instagram.......... tut tut tut.... ok yeah.. it was for Singapore's biggest water sport festival.. i think the night we went there it was the closing ceremony aldy.. hence, the firworks and what not.. 

after that we sambung jalan2 towards the gardens by the bay.. sempat la tngok this pretty lights.. n jalan2 ber romantic2 dgn kupu2 mlm dan imagine check in dekat Marina. hmmmmmm. muahahhahahahah maybe next time.. 

ending the day with my favourite caramel hot chocolate :) 

hoping to get together again sometimes with these guys... 

let me end the draft by saying something cheesy 

"the world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page"

budget: i brought only 100SGD to singapore bcoz i dont really know what i was doing there. spent it on food and souvenirs.. thats all. the rest thankfully my friends r kind enough to bring me here and there... save a lot on budget :p thanks gais.. muuaxx 

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