Wednesday, 9 March 2016




Our second trip together. Destination: South Korea 

21 DEC 2015 - 6 JAN 2016


700,000 Korean Won equivalent to RM2040+ (excluding flight tickets)

This is the budget that i have set for myself, enough for two weeks and a half in South Korea. we saved a lot on food because we brought makanan tin dari Malaysia; kari ayam, kacang hijau dlm tin, sardin, bihun,perencah nasi goreng ADABI, Maggie (thank you megi), sambal ikan bilis YEOS, ikan bilis kering, segala jenis bawang, garam, gula, milo, mee sedaap, etc.

ini la dia rupa bekalan nak bawak p Korea. 
my itinerary: 1am 21st Dec 2015  KLIA2 (KUL) - BUSAN (PUS) 
arrival time: around 7am local time (korea)

tiba je di airport cari line wifi, x jumpa. no free wifi. so bertungkus lumus berfikir mane nk carik line. then, masok dlm 7Eleven, i found dyorg jual wifi utk 4 hari (olleh wifi) blh guna 4 hari berturut-turut, or guna individual sehari sekali log in selama 4 hari. costed around KRW9,000. unlimited wifi 4 hari.. fuhh.. best gile.. no more searching for wifi, because in Busan,  olleh wifi is available everywhere as long as u have the code bought from the store.

Da dapat wifi,  terus la call HOME, nk cakap da selamat sampai bagai kn.. tp smua org masih tido sebab cuti...we move on cari train station. Then, we headed to Haeundae. that was where i booked our 2 nights stay in Busan before we move on with our journey to the city of commerce, Seoul. 

our ticket to Haeundae
Gimhae International Airport Busan

Our travel buddies, Risto and Natalie Ivy. On our way to our Hostel.

My accomodation in Busan city:

Pobi Guesthouse. 

Natalie and I stayed in Pobi guesthouse for two nights
Bunk beds, very cute, clean and comfortable, just like our own little home in the woods, except that there was heated floor in the winter :p 
price pernight: KRW20,000 per head, equals to RM67
so 2 nights KRW40,000 per person equals to RM135

studying Busan map to find our hostel

our bunk beds.... 4 beds in a room. during our stay, luckily only the two of us booked the room. so ade la privacy. :)

sampai2 je hostel, terus check it out kitchen haha sebab kelaparan. jadi keluarkan kuasa mee sedaap smpai org yg stay situ pun tertanya2 apa bnda la bau dimasak dua org ni.
kitchen is very clean... sangat yakin masa masak. yang paling penting, air dia cukup panas masa nak cuci pinggan. kau gila nk cuci pinggan guna air biasa masa winter. nk beku jari xleh gerak.

this is the dining area.. kemas kn? very neat, tidy, comfortable. suka sangat lahhh
ni la yang datang tanye, 'what are you cooking?' haha.. bau mee sedaap kuat gile kot. kalau makan masa puasa gerenti kantoi mulut sekali badan bau mee.

masa ni la nak bersosial. hehe.. jangan kecam aku. aku sebenarnya pemalu bak ang. lepas makan, kami pun tertidur... it was too bloody cold. impossible not to fall asleep in that temperature. aigoo. came night fall. tengok jam da pukul 6. alamak. da malam... berjalan la.... rugi x jln kn.. 3 hari je kt Busan.

Gwangan Bridge at night

you know you're my best friend if you know how i am into lights

da puas jalan2 sekitar Gangwali Beach, Busan, lapar.. so cari mana2 kedai ayam.

Sebab da terliur banyak kali lalu kedai Chicken BBQ ni... Hunger game tu trus xleh tahan... so, pusing balik lepas ukur jalan, masok restaurant ni. nampaknya mee sedaap ptg tadi da hilang dari sistem sbb penat berjalan. Ayam dy memang terbaik. I ordered one plate of Spicy chicken for me, and Natalie ordered one plate of Honey chicken for her. Ingatkan cukup mkn dua org.. lepas order sampai, tergelak kejap sebab makanan yg d order boleh di makan 6 orang.. aiyoo... satu plate KRW18,000 (RM61) haha.. bapak mahal. nk makan ayam je.. baru nk adjust dengan won ni kan.. ye lah da Ringgit nilai xde sangat da. pegi korea bawak RM2000 mcm bawak RM200 je.. sedey.

RM61.. makan!! x abis, tapau. hehehe. esok jimat. xterliur ko tengok? tu yg balik Malaysia cari Kyochon. rindu Spicy chicken

Lepas makan n tapau, lepak kejap depan 7Eleven. minum air panas. da x tahan sejuk baru balik Haeundae. bergoogle dpan komputer kejap, best hostel siap ade PC n wifi. i googled on where should we go the next day. so, the answer is, Gweongju.. 45 mins by metro towards Nopo bus station, then take the 2 pm bus at Nopo heading towards Gweongju. 1 hour by bus

the owner of the guesthouse where we stayed was kind enough to drop us to the nearest metro station :) we didnt have to walk far from the hostel. awww

looking at the spectacular view of Busan from inside the metro

bus fare from Nopo to Gweongju KRW4,800 (RM16.28)one way

when we arrived in Gweongju, it was too late to visit Bulguksa temple. so, we decided to just cycle around Gweongju and rented a bike for KRW7,000 (RM23+) -until 7 pm. 

the city of Gweongju

Gyeongju Gyochon Traditional Village 

stopped at a coffee house because it was too freaking cold. Had a cup of warm milk for about KRW4,000+ (RM13.50+)

Enjoying my cup of warm milk while looking at a spectacular view of the royal tomb, and a pretty lady.
The Royal Tomb of King Naemul, the 17th monarch of the Silla Kingdom.

its time to head home now... 
Take another bus towards Nopo and back to Haeundae KRW4,800

balik hostel, menjamah tapau ciken bbq semalam yg x abis lagi. abis...... 

good night..esok sambung Part 2!! 

thank you for reading reggieandmardy.blogspot.my

nak baca part 2?? klik di sini ya !!!

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